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Study In Finland (FI)

Why study in Finland?

When it comes to top-quality education, Finland is one of the first countries that comes to mind. A Nordic country with a population of 5.54 million in 2020, Finland has succeeded in not only keeping up with educational progress, but also excelling at setting a global standard.

A member of the European Union and home to 35 higher education institutions, Finland is a good choice for students from around the world. An egalitarian society where knowledge and lifelong learning are highly valued, Finland offers a great social setting to foster your learning and personal growth.

Summary of Information

Capital: Helsinki
Currency: Euro
Famous Cities: Helsinki, Turku, Oulu
Official Languages: Finnish, Swedish
Finland is a human-scaled, cosy country, with cities and towns designed for people, not just cars. Rush-hours are a rarity.

Here are our top reasons why you should study in the Finland

Our higher education institutions are small enough to operate functionally and effectively. They are all internationally oriented with special regional features, and you can choose between very different study environments ranging from larger urban campuses to close-to-nature campuses.

Higher education institutions are highly autonomous, but largely funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture. Therefore, the Ministry also closely oversees the quality of teaching. These efficiently managed institutions:

– react to the needs of the society, and business and industry in their curricula and teaching

– provide a wide range of high-quality programmes in English for exchange and degree students at all levels of education

– give their students transferrable skills on which they can build their future in academic fields and in the job market.

Trust and openness are important concepts in Finland, and getting networked at an early stage is the Finnish way. Here you can start getting connected with fellow international and Finnish students, organisations, and the working world already whilst studying your first courses. Often these networks and friendships last for the rest of your life.

  • Over 400 Study Programs in English: Finnish institutions provide numerous English-speaking degree programs. Ranging from short courses as a part of an exchange programme or full degrees, you can find many study opportunities across all fields of education.
  • Quality in research and education: Our national policy underlines excellence on all levels of education, and Finnish institutions place great value on quality research and innovation. Most students in Finland consider higher education degrees a necessary step for establishing a solid foundation for their future careers. Thanks to their basic education and national entrance exams, Finnish students are highly motivated to study. Unlike in most countries, students also have a real influence on the quality of education. There is legislation in place that allows them exceptional influence in developing their institutions and studies together with their teachers.
  • Excellent facilities for work and fun: Studying at one of the higher education institutions in Finland comes with many perks. Well-equipped libraries offer comfortable spaces for productive study hours. In Finland, all students have the right to use the institutions libraries freely with a library card. As well as well stocked libraries, all higher education institutions provide their students free access to the internet. Also, municipal library services are open to all, and the basic services are normally free of charge. Cafés and common areas are busy social hubs where friends meet during study breaks. Various student clubs and organizations offer activities and outings for many different areas of interest. Sports facilities are widely available and used by international and local students alike.
  • Well-organized country: A solid infrastructure allows all of the public and private services to function smoothly. All registered persons living in Finland can rely on any of these services such as transportation, public and student healthcare, police and rescue services. Assistance with any of these services is always available and the opinions of the residents are valued. Our banking services are among the best in world: advanced, innovative and easy to use.

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