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Study In Russia (RUS)

Why study in Russia?

Russia is renowned for higher education in the sciences, but it is not to be outdone in the humanities and social sciences. Choosing to pursue your education in Russia means studying in the birthplace of some of the world’s most prolific artists and writers.

Summary of Information

Capital: Moscow
Currency: Ruble
Famous Cities: St. Petersberg, Moscow , Novosibirsk
Official Languages: Russian
Famous Universities: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

Here are our top reasons why you should study in the Russia

Aside from its diverse culture, pursuing an education in Russia is made even more exciting with the fact that the country is home to 26 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, attracting millions of tourists and Russians alike. It’s common practice in Russia for universities to organize student trips to landmarks such as the Red Square, the Kremlin and the Golden Mountains of Altai amongst many others, making Russia the perfect destination for students itching to explore.

Rapid development in Russia over the last two decades have made it an incredibly different destination than the Russia your parents may be familiar with. Continuously broadening its opportunities for international students, Russia may be an ‘off the beaten path’ study abroad destination for some, and all the more interesting for you! Read on to learn everything you need to know about the unique and vibrant study abroad experience awaiting you in Russia. 


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